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Rep News - December 20, 2024 Update
Rep News - December 6, 2024 Update
LEDinside has a nice rundown of the five Chinese manufacturers it sees as leading candidates to acquire Osram’s lighting business, which the German lighting giant has slated for spin-off this year. The five listed Chinese companies in the race for one of the big three international lamps manufacturers include MLS (known in the U.S. market by its Forest Lighting name), ETI, Tsinghua Tongfang, Felio Acoustics and Foshan Lighting.
LEDinside said all the potential buyers “have the needed financing platforms, but for the German lighting company price is just one of the decisive factors, another main concern is the synergetic effect from the resulting partnership.”
The analysis includes a comparison of the companies’ lighting revenues, where ETI leads the list, along with comparisons of profitability measures and past acquisitions. Essential read if you’re trying to stay up on the fast-changing fortunes of the world’s lighting majors.
LEDinside: Which Chinese LED Candidate Will Emerge as the Winning Bidder of Osram’s Lighting Business?