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Illustration 60886103 / kheng ho to /

Would you miss AmazonSupply?

March 6, 2015
Provocative thoughts from a speech at a stationers' association meeting on Modern Distribution Management (MDM). What if Amazon did close down AmazonSupply? Will the electrical distribution community need to find another threat to focus their thinking? Have distributors learned what they needed to learn from their encounter with the biggest of online retail brands?

Provocative thoughts from a speech at a United Stationers supplier meeting on Modern Distribution Management (MDM). What if Amazon did close down AmazonSupply? Will the electrical distribution community need to find another threat to focus their thinking? Have distributors learned what they needed to learn from their encounter with the biggest of online retail brands?

More importantly for distributors, Hodson said, the sun is setting on AmazonSupply as it's currently structured, and that the company will "be closing to the AmazonSupply portal and folding it under Amazon," Hodson said. "The dirty little secret on AmazonSupply in the U.S. is they weren't selling anything. That's out."

Is the Sun Setting on AmazonSupply?, Eric Smith, Modern Distribution Management