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Precision-Paragon's annual survey finds expectations of growth in energy-efficient lighting, led by fluorescents
Energy-efficiency professionals expect their revenue from energy-efficient lighting to grow in 2013 according to an annual survey done by Precision-Paragon (P2), Yorba Linda, Calif., a manufacturer of energy-efficient lighting.
P2 released the results of its 2012 Energy-Efficient Lighting Industry survey, which was distributed to over 4,000 energy efficiency professionals. The survey results show that 77% of survey respondents expect their energy-efficient lighting revenue to grow in 2013. In past years, respondents’ predictions have been proven accurate, says P2. For example, in the 2011 survey, 69% of respondents expected moderate or substantial growth in their revenues from energy-efficient relighting projects in 2012. In this most recent survey, conducted in December of 2012, 67% reported actually experiencing either moderate or substantial growth during 2012. That's a difference of just 2% between expected and actual growth.
"The lighting professionals who take our survey know the industry," explains P2's vice president and general manager Joe Martin. "Based on our past experience, I think it's fairly likely that we'll see their predictions come true between now and the end of the year."
The survey also established that automated lighting controls are being specified in nearly half of all retrofits. Survey takers indicated that, on average, 48% of their energy-efficient lighting retrofits use automated lighting controls.
Fluorescent lighting will continue to be the predominant technology installed in 2013, said P2. 68% of survey takers expect that linear fluorescent will represent the primary lighting technology they install in 2013. "Even as LED technology continues to improve, advances in fluorescent lighting technology have helped to keep it a very attractive option," said Martin.
More details can be found at P2's website.