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NEMA Joins IIC and NIST in Review of Emerging IoT Standards for New Energy Applications
On February 9, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) joined the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the IIoT Energy Forum to highlight activities of the IIC and of NIST in the energy sector focusing on smart grids, industrial analytics, security, and emerging technologies. The event is the first in the IIC Global Event Series and is being hosted by the MITRE Corporation.
NEMA Industry Director Steve Griffith joined the Standards and Architecture Panel along with panelists from NIST, ABB, the U.S. Department of Energy, and Pepco. The group discussed what is needed in information management and communication across the diverse energy infrastructures, as well as best practices, methodologies, and tools available today.
IIC Steering Committee member and CEO of Real-time Innovations Stan Schneider presented a keynote on behalf of the IIC. According to Schneider, “Electric power systems across the world are under stress. Renewable energy sources, distributed energy production, new energy storage systems and electric vehicles are rapidly shifting the power flows and control from a centralized power generation model to a widely distributed model with a strong focus on the edge of the grid. Modernizing the power grid is critical to building an integrated Industrial Internet of Things.”
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