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Electrical Marketing - February 28, 2025
WinWholesale Inc., Dayton, Ohio, has officially changed its corporate name to Winsupply. Chairman Rick Schwartz, said in a press release announcing the name change, “Winsupply connects the more than 570 Win local companies (Winnelson, Winair, Windustrial, Winlectric, Winfastener Winpump and Noland Co.) to a single, cohesive powerful brand that creates national presence and position, not only in wholesale distribution but in all of the industries we serve.
“Winsupply more accurately describes our business today — suppliers of diverse residential and commercial construction and industrial supplies and equipment, and what customers are seeking from our local companies. Our customers enjoy an owner-to-owner relationship and the expertise, equipment and support they need to succeed in their increasingly diversified businesses.
“More and more of our customers are no longer focusing on just one industry, like plumbing. They’re adding heating and air conditioning equipment, PVF or electrical supplies in order to grow and diversify. Similarly, many of our local companies are doing the same, diversifying to meet the needs of their customers and to grow. The Winsupply name does the best job of capturing that diversification.”
The press release said the adoption of the Winsupply name will help phase out the proliferation of the different local company names. Over the last two years and going forward, all new companies have and will take the Winsupply name with the exception of Winwater companies, which will retain their current name. It’s expected that many more will change their local brand to Winsupply.
Schwartz said the name change is effective immediately. “The Winsupply name will help us drive better business results,” he said in the release. “We can go to market with a stronger brand that enables contractors everywhere to better understand the strength Winsupply brings to our local companies through centralized services.”