Siriporn Kaenseeya / DreamsTime
Market Data Dreamstime Siriporn Kaenseeya 6160620e70fd0

Benchmark Your Operations Against Other Distributors

Oct. 8, 2021
Electrical Wholesaling’s quarterly survey with Vertical Research Partners will help you see where you stand compared to other electrical distributors with key metrics including sales growth, pricing and end-market activity.

The Q3 2021 survey EW and Vertical Research Partners (VRP) developed measures changes in several key business metrics and will take you less than five minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and strictly confidential. Participants will get a free copy of VRP’s analysis of the survey results so they will be able to see how their responses compared with those of other distributors.

Vertical Research Partners ( is an independent equity research boutique specializing in industrial research with long-standing experience covering the Electrical Equipment sector. VRP has been conducting its own proprietary North American survey for 12 years capturing approximately $1B in sales each quarter.

Click here to start the survey

To start the survey, you can also paste this link below in your browser:

If you have questions about the survey, contact Nick Lipinski, Associate and Analyst, Vertical Research Partners at [email protected]

Please return your response by Friday, October 15.

Thank you for your participation!

Jim Lucy


Electrical Wholesaling and Electrical Marketing