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Illustration 60886103 / kheng ho to /

Energy Department to fund advanced manufacturing research

Jan. 5, 2017
This new funding opportunity and its resulting projects will allow EERE to perform early-stage research and development of new technologies not currently covered in AMO’s technology portfolio and will encourage contributions from new partners.

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) announced up to $35 million in available funding to support early-stage, innovative technologies and solutions in advanced manufacturing that are not significantly represented in EERE’s current portfolio. EERE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) works with universities, national laboratories, and for-profit and nonprofit partners to identify and solve technology challenges in manufacturing. This new funding opportunity and its resulting projects will allow EERE to perform early-stage research and development of new technologies not currently covered in AMO’s technology portfolio and will encourage contributions from new partners, said a DOE release.